



blogging????? crazy + new job / 30/8/24

i don't really know how to blog but ay im doin it

nothing i really want to talk about at the moment, but i feel like if im updating my homepage i might as well have something to link to in the blog box instead of just going "might have a blog who knows" lol

i guess something worth mentioning is that i started a new job (2nd ever) on the nineteenth!! it's along the same lines as my past job (apprentice toolmaker) but im more learning how to make electrodes (things that zap metal as opposed to cutting it, good for small operations). what's different from my other job is that the people there are WAY cooler. like my old place was mostly reserved old guys save for my boss who was super stingy and made it harder than it needed to to learn. current place has like one old guy whos really chill and then everyone is like 20-40 and really dte. dude training me doesnt make me anxious and has me invested + we talk about games a lot (i just bought six more i should totally play them and blog about it) it's so much more like a work family rather than a job ykwim? anyways i'm still tired after working for eight hours lol but im feeling way better compared to the other one and i'll totally enjoy life more. mixing my hobbies and work together :3
